innovations during the drug
discovery phase.
We take a personalized and integrated approach to help our clients position their pipelines and companies for success offering a full range of development and commercialization services.
We are Halloran, a life science consulting firm, partnering to enrich your product development and business growth. We propel your organization further; positively impacting the health and wellbeing of patients around the world.
Joanna shared the following insight:
A culture of innovation should be a top priority of every enterprise because it is the driver of higher value for customers and could translate into success when compared to competitors. Innovation belongs in all functions and levels of an organization. Even a “low-tech” company needs to find faster, higher quality, lower cost ways of delivering its products and services.
There are numerous best practices cited to support an innovative culture:
But the real secret sauce to an innovative culture is very basic: Management must pay attention. Over time, organizations follow what interests management. If it supports innovation, talks about it, looks for it and praises it when it happens, then the ideas above—and lots more—will naturally flow. While the concept might sound simple, making it happen is not always easy. Management can become busy with meetings, processes and deliverables and lose focus on innovation. But if leadership cares about innovation and gets behind it, appropriate tactics should follow along with a flourishing, innovative culture.
Subscribers to Healthcare Innovation News will find Joanna’s insight by following this link.