
Discovery to Commercialization in Precision Medicine

Written by Monika Swietlicka, MBA, BFA, BSc | May 7, 2024 4:18:00 PM

The revolution in precision medicine, a form of medicine using information about a person’s own genes or proteins to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease, has reached an exciting phase with the advancement of cell and gene therapies (CGTs). Precision medicine, also known as personalized medicine, is an approach to patient care that enables treatments most likely to help patients based on a genetic understanding as opposed to their specific disease. This form of medicine considers individual differences in people’s genes, environment, and lifestyle. The goal of precision medicine is to target the right treatments to the right patients at the right time to optimize therapeutic effectiveness while minimizing side effects.  

This approach is particularly prominent in fields such as oncology, where genetic information can help determine which cancer treatments a patient might respond to best. CGTs offer unprecedented possibilities for treating and potentially curing genetic diseases. With over 100 approved therapies and more than 3,700 currently in the development pipeline, the CGT field is burgeoning. The FDA predicts by 2025, there will be 10 to 20 approved cell and gene therapy products per year, evidenced by an assessment of the current pipeline and the clinical success rates of these products. 

The expansion of the cell and gene therapy field is significantly supported by a robust framework of collaborative efforts between biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and government bodies. These stakeholders contribute through substantial financial investments, cutting-edge research, and clinical trials aimed at developing and commercializing innovative therapies. In addition, regulatory agencies play a crucial role by providing guidelines and opportunities for accelerated approval of new treatments. Venture capital also has a significant impact, as investors are increasingly attracted to high potential returns from successful cell and gene therapy products.  

This collective effort and support not only accelerate scientific breakthroughs and product development but also ensure these advanced treatments can reach patients more efficiently, promising revolutionary changes in the management and cure of previously untreated diseases.  

However, the journey from discovery to clinical development is complex, involving rigorous testing and a deep understanding of the underlying genetic mechanisms. The industry’s focus remains on oncology, with significant clinical trials in other areas, demonstrating the broad applicability of CGT therapies. 

Future of Medicine: Advancing Cell, Gene, and mRNA Therapies 

The cell and gene therapy (CGT) domain has markedly advanced, transitioning from novel scientific concepts to a robust array of approved treatments. Key advancements, such as treatments for spinal muscular atrophy and the utilization of genetically modified cell therapies like chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CAR-T) for oncology, showcase the potential of CGTs in providing targeted and effective treatments. Moreover, ribonucleic acid (RNA) therapies are proving versatile, from gene silencing to messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines like those developed for COVID-19, highlighting RNA’s pivotal role in future therapeutics. 

Among the trailblazers, Nusinersen (Spinraza) stands out as a revolutionary antisense oligonucleotide therapy for spinal muscular atrophy, marking a significant advance in treating this debilitating genetic disease. Similarly, the approval of CAR-T cell therapies such as Kymriah for acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Yescarta for certain types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has transformed cancer treatment, demonstrating remarkable efficacy where traditional therapies have failed. 

The field of RNA therapy, particularly mRNA vaccines, has witnessed unprecedented acceleration. The development and global deployment of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19, by Moderna and BioNTech, not only played a pivotal role in addressing the pandemic but also validated the potential of mRNA technology for rapid vaccine development against emerging infectious diseases. 

Further enriching the CGT landscape, the approvals of gene therapies like Luxturna for inherited retinal diseases and Zolgensma for spinal muscular atrophy showcase the profound potential of gene therapy to address the root causes of genetic disorders, offering hope for cures where none existed before. 

A Look into Approved Cell, Gene, and mRNA Therapies 

Gene Therapies 

Vyjuvek for Epidermolysis bullosa, Hemgenix for hemophilia B, and Roctavian for hemophilia A, alongside Zolgensma and Luxturna, represent cutting-edge genetic medicine targeting the underlying genetic causes of diseases. 

Cell Therapies 

Kymriah and Yescarta have revolutionized the treatment of B-cell malignancies through CAR-T cell therapy. Additional therapies like Tecartus and treatments for stem cell engraftment and Crohn’s disease further demonstrate the versatility of cell therapies. 

RNA Therapies 

The global adoption of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 showcased the effectiveness of RNA-based strategies. Therapies like Spinraza for spinal muscular atrophy and Onpattro for amyloidosis highlight the potential of RNA therapies in treating genetic conditions and beyond. 

Looking ahead, the CGT field is poised for continued expansion and innovation. The development pipeline reveals a diverse array of treatments targeting a wide spectrum of diseases, from oncology to cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders, illustrating the expansive potential of these technologies. 

As we venture into this new era of medicine, the CGT sector’s future appears bright, with the potential to fundamentally transform healthcare and patient outcomes. Continued investment in research, a commitment to ethical practices, and a focus on patient access will be key to realizing the full potential of these transformative therapies.  

The Journey from Discovery to Commercialization  

For leaders in the CGT sector, you must balance industry promise with practicality. The path forward involves significant planning and navigating clinical and regulatory complexities while fostering innovation (and potential fundraising challenges). This is no easy feat. This approach must involve a deep understanding of the competitive landscape for your targeted treatment, defining the development and regulatory strategy, taking advantage of health authority meetings and communication early on and as often as possible, acquiring adequate funding to carry you through the research phases, bringing on the right personnel, and staying ahead of the technological curve.  

Successfully transitioning from a scientific breakthrough to clinical trials with tangible patient benefits, and ultimately, to commercialization, requires a clear strategy, proper funding, and the right investments in people, processes, and technology. Finding the right talent to advance CGT pipelines is a challenge, especially in the areas of development strategy, regulatory, chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC), and senior-level management roles with the right expertise. 

CGT company founders may consider collaborating with an organization, like Halloran, that acts as a leader of their company’s development team to establish strategy, advise, and take on interim roles, including regulatory CMC strategy. 

In addition, when CGT company leaders prioritize collaboration to tap into new opportunities for innovation and patient-centric approaches as part of their overall strategy, they are more able to fully realize the potential of these advanced therapies. This approach will not only drive the future success of individual companies but also shape the landscape of modern medicine, offering hope to patients with previously untreatable conditions. 

Discover Halloran’s regulatory services that can be tailored to your specific precision medicine program needs. Halloran’s streamlined approach prioritizes precision in regulatory compliance, optimizing every facet from strategy development to operational execution.