
The Pillars of Driving Change with a Patient-Centric Focus 

Written by Halloran Consulting Group | Nov 28, 2023 10:41:00 PM

As a panelist at CORE (Clinical Operations Retreat for Executives) East, hosted in Chatham, Massachusetts, I had the privilege of participating in a lively discussion on the theme of driving change with a patient-centric focus. This session brought together a remarkable group of experts advocating for early patient engagement throughout the entire clinical development process, including meaningful follow-up with clinical trial patients, and suggestions for engagement.  

This is such an important topic as patients are not just part of our industry; they are the very reason for our industry.  

Here are the patient-centricity pillars recapped from our discussion. 

Patient-Centricity is Not Just a Buzzword 

We collectively recognized that patient-centricity goes beyond a buzzword or a passing trend. It is a genuine commitment to prioritizing patients throughout the healthcare and clinical research journey. Moving from buzzword to the meaning of patient-centricity requires action. 

Engage Patients Throughout the Research Process 

It is imperative to involve patients at every stage of a clinical trial. Engaging with patients early, during trial design, and maintaining this involvement during and after the study can lead to better outcomes and improved patient experiences. 

There is Power in Communication 

Effective and transparent communication emerged as a central theme in our discussion. Patients value regular updates on trial progress, and providing plain-language summaries of results helps patients understand the significance of their participation. Engaging patients and obtaining their feedback can also help refine and optimize the research process. 

Tailor Patient Engagement 

It is important to customize patient engagement strategies to fit the specific study type. For example, trials involving extensive patient interaction with a medical device may require a deeper level of patient involvement. Understanding the unique needs of the study and patient population is vital. 

Demonstrate Return on Investment with Patient Engagement 

We explored how investing in patient engagement can lead to tangible returns on investment (ROI). Figures show that such investments result in faster enrollment, fewer protocol amendments, and a smoother research process. The financial benefits are clear, making a compelling case for patient-centricity. 

Build Trust and Credibility 

Beyond financial gains, we emphasized the value of engaging patients throughout the research process; it is about building trust and credibility within the healthcare industry. By actively involving patients, we convey our commitment to their well-being and needs, fostering lasting community relationships.  

This approach promotes a collaborative and equitable environment where every patient’s perspective is valued, regardless of their background or condition. In doing so, we not only enhance our industry’s reputation but also contribute to a more inclusive and effective healthcare ecosystem. It is high time for the industry to recognize the imperative of long-term engagement and embrace the transformative potential it holds, creating a healthcare landscape that truly puts patients at the center of care. 

Lean into the Medical Device Industry Approach 

The medical device industry’s challenges in patient engagement, where the focus may not always be as prominent as in the pharmaceutical sector, were also discussed. Key issues include the struggle to prioritize patient interaction due to the nature of certain devices, which have limited patient engagement compared to continuous medication usage. Budget constraints and shorter development timelines also pose significant barriers to robust patient engagement in the medical device industry.  

However, a growing recognition of the long-term benefits of patient-centered design is gradually shifting the industry’s perspective. By addressing these challenges and taking a more tailored, strategic approach, the medical device industry can harness the invaluable insights of patients, thereby delivering more effective, user-friendly, and patient-focused medical devices that better serve the healthcare ecosystem. It is time for our entire industry to step up and engage in building a future where patient well-being and needs take center stage. 

In summary, our discussions at CORE East brought into focus the multitude of benefits that stem from giving precedence to patients in clinical research, including improved research outcomes, enhanced patient experiences, and more balanced, equitable data, but also the industry-wide credibility and trust it fosters. Figures shared illustrate the ROI of patient engagement, emphasizing the strategic edge gained by embracing patient-centricity. 

We must recognize that patient centricity goes beyond mere words; it is a call to action. As an industry, we have a unique opportunity to build trust by demonstrating our commitment to patient well-being and needs through active involvement. It is not just about ROI; it is about transforming the healthcare ecosystem into an inclusive and collaborative environment. Patient-centricity is not a concept; it is a proven strategic advantage with quantifiable benefits. It is both a moral imperative and a savvy move in the ever-evolving landscape of clinical research. 

Click here to learn more patient-centric tactics and approaches.